120 crédits crédits
2 ans
UFR STGI, antenne de Belfort
The program is focused on the integration of thermal, electrical and hydrogen-based systems in stationary and transportation applications, with the final aims of increased efficiency and of sustainable development.
The students are strongly involved in researches and experimental activities supported by the FEMTO-ST Institute and the FCLAB research federation.
The program is organized in parallel with a joint degree with UMLP and the final year of the engineering school UTBM. Two tracks are presented thereafter :
- Thermal Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
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Savoir-faire et compétences
- Design, model, optimize and manage thermal systems (industrial systems, housing, cogeneration)
- Take into account new energy and renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency - Use the tools and methods for digital engineering in heat and fluid mechanics
- Apply advanced fluid mechanics and thermodynamics to real systems
- Develop research activities
- Model a multiphysical system
- Take into account legislative, economic and environmental constraints
- Manage a project and work in a team
- Business management in energy
Dimension internationale
Différentes conventions existent avec les universités suivantes :
- Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières au Canada
- Université de Santander en Colombie
- Ecole Nationale Polytechnique d'Alger en Algérie
- Université de La Réunion*Université de la Polynésie Française
Sélectionnez un programme
Master Energie, parcours Thermal engineering 1re année, UFR STGI
UE1 - Laboratory project & French learning
6 crédits16hELC1 - French Learning
16hELC2 - Laboratory Project
5 crédits
UE2 - Fluid Mechanics
6 crédits67hELC1 - Fluid Dynamics
3 crédits55hELC2 - Computational Fluid Dynamics Introduction
3 crédits12h
UE3 - Transfer Phenomena
6 crédits80hELC1 - Forced and Free Convection
2 crédits32hELC2 - Mass Transfer
2 crédits28hELC3 - Heat Exchangers
2 crédits20h
UE4 - Interdisciplinary Courses
6 crédits63hELC1 - Acoustics and Vibrations
3 crédits39hELC2 - Refrigerating Machines and Heat Pumps
3 crédits24h
UE5 - Hydrogen Energy & Energy Systems
6 crédits40hELC1 - Fuel Cell
2 crédits15hELC2 -Thermal Management of Electric Machines
2 crédits15hELC3 - Energy branch
2 crédits10h
UE6 - Innovation Management
6 crédits54hELC1 - Scientific Writing
4 crédits36hELC2 - Economics of the Energy Transition
2 crédits18h
UE7 - Interdisciplinary Courses
6 crédits96hELC1 - Nuclear and Hydrogen Energies
2 créditsELC2 - Renewable Energy
2 créditsELC3 - Energy Efficiency in Builgings and Life-Cycle Analysi
2 crédits26h
UE8 - Energy Modelling
6 crédits69hUE9 - Hydrogen Energy and Energy Efficiency
6 crédits60hELC1 - Conversion and Energy Efficiency
2 crédits20hELC2 - Energy Grids
2 crédits20hELC3 - Energy Storage
2 crédits20h
UE10 - Laboratory project & French learning
6 créditsELC1 - French Learning
1 crédits16hELC2 - Laboratory Project
5 crédits
Master Energie, parcours Thermal engineering 2e année, UFR STGI
UE1 - Laboratory project & French learning
6 crédits16hELC1 - Laboratory Project
5 créditsELC2 - French Learning
1 crédits16h
UE2 - Computational Fluid Dynamics and Energy Building Simul
6 crédits51hELC1 - Thermal and Fluid Dynamics Computing Codes
4 crédits33hELC2 - Dynamic Thermal Simulation
2 crédits18h
UE3 - Clean Sustainable Energy Production
6 crédits60hELC1 - Advanced Cogeneration
2 crédits20hELC2 - Advanced Fuel Cell Technologies
2 crédits20hELC3 - Electrolyzis Hydrogen Production
2 crédits20h
UE4 - Advanced Energy Systems - Obligation ((UE4)choix 1 en
6 crédits75hELC1 - Innovative Power Machines
2 créditsELC2 - Advanced Metrology
2 créditsELC3 - Exergy analysis
2 crédits
UE5 - Soft Skills
6 crédits32hELC1 - Scientific Communication and Conferences
3 crédits16hELC2 - Advanced Scientific Writing
3 crédits16h
UE6 - Internship
30 crédits
Et après
Insertion professionnelle
- Automobile, aéronautique et autres matériels de transport
- Ingénierie - r&d
- Construction
- Métallurgie et mécanique
- Équipements électriques et électroniques